Ep. 77 - Building Your Personal Brand: Identifying Your Superpowers, Defining Your Value, and Managing Your Career Like a Business — with David Knies
While brand development is commonplace in business, many people struggle to define their personal brand in a way that represents their authentic self and effectively differentiates them in the market. In this episode, David Knies, career brand strategist and Chief Growth officer at Boston-based design firm Essential, gives us insight and advice into what it takes to define who you really are, what you do and the unique value you truly bring.
Ep. 76 - Career Pivoting: Starting Small and Methodically Shifting to Create Momentum - with Jenny Blake
Jenny Blake is a career and business strategist, speaker, and the author of “Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One.” She helps people organize their brain, move past burnout, and build sustainable, dynamic careers. Jenny spent over five years at Google in Training and Career Development, while also writing her first book, “Life After College,” before Jenny took her consulting business full-time in 2011. In this episode, Jenny shares her framework for The Pivot Method, designed to guide workers through the only constant in a career: change.
Ep. 75 - Season 3 Recap: Developing Soft Skills to Cultivate Better Business Relationships and Drive Work Momentum - with Connie Steele and Alexis Anthony
Connie Steele and Alexis Anthony cover season three highlights and key takeaways, all around the themes of people, teams and relationships. Then we prepare for Season 4 with the continuation of podcourses.
Ep. 74 - Networking the Right Way: How to Build Real Relationships to Help Propel You Forward - with Jordan Harbinger
Jordan Harbinger, “The Larry King of podcasting,” is a Wall Street lawyer turned interview talk show host, and a communications and social dynamics expert. The Jordan Harbinger Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world. In this episode, we’ll learn about how his journey of networking started, the challenges and misconceptions around what networking really means, and what to do to help you build those authentic relationships that can propel you and your career forward.
Ep. 73 - How to be a Kick-Ass Boss: Being Radically Candid to Propel You and Your Team Forward with Kim Scott
Kim Scott, co-founder of Candor, Inc. and author of the NYT & WSJ bestseller Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss without Losing your Humanity has made it her company’s mission to rid the world of bad bosses by helping organizations create BS-free zones at workplaces around the world. In this episode, Kim dives into the challenges that many bosses face when it comes to guiding their teams effectively and the concepts, applications and benefits behind the Radical Candor framework that’s intended to help them.
Ep. 72 - Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety to Propel Your Career Forward - with Mark Metry
Mark Metry, 22-year-old entrepreneur and author of Screw Being Shy: Learn How to Manage Social Anxiety and Be Yourself in Front of Anyone, shares his personal journey, the science behind social anxiety, advice for breaking through to meet your potential, and how to better understand those who may suffer from this social disorder.
Ep. 71 - Office Politics (Part 2): Learning to Manage and Master Political Maneuvering
How do you manage power dynamics in an organization? In Part One, a panel of business leaders joined us to unpack how one’s deep-seated emotions can lead to positive and negative office politics. In this episode, we look at various solutions and courses of action you can take to mitigate, manage, and navigate the politics more effectively.
Ep. 70 - Building and Sustaining Effective Teams: The Balance Needed to Drive Momentum - with Jennifer Trzepacz
Team dynamics are crucial to the success of a business, and recent events have made this all the more relevant as businesses adapt and adjust to operating in the “new normal”. Jennifer Trzepacz is the Chief Operations Officer at Wildcat Venture Partners and in this episode she shares her perspective on what it takes to build and sustain effective teams in today’s modern work world.
Ep 69 - Remote Work: Tips on Effective Virtual Meeting Facilitation During the Coronavirus Pandemic - with Michael Wilkinson
With COVID-19 necessitating the rapid shift to working remotely, we felt it would be particularly relevant to share insights from a favorite past guest of ours — Michael Wilkinson — because our goal is always to help you navigate through the change we are all facing so you can create the right momentum to move forward.
Ep. 68 - Office Politics (Part 1): Understanding The What, How, and Why to Navigate Workplace Dynamics Effectively
Nearly everyone experiences the effects of office politics at some point in their careers—so what does it take to build that political know-how to help you get unstuck and thrive? In this episode, a panel of business leaders gives the lay of the land by exploring what office politics really means, the positive and negative sides of it all, and most importantly, what’s drives the political behavior at its core.
Ep. 67 - Evolution of Entrepreneurship: Perceptions, Realities and Finding the All-Important Truths - with Bryan Stolle
Bryan Stolle, serial entrepreneur and Founding Partner at Wildcat Venture Partners shares his perspective on the perceptions and realities of entrepreneurship, the myths and misconceptions that are still prevalent, and what an aspiring or current entrepreneur needs to consider to create momentum for success.
Ep. 66 - Fail Fast, Learn Faster: Creating a Safe Environment to Fail to Propel You and Your Business Forward
Rick Lindquist, founder of LegUp Ventures has always believed that learning from failure is core to personal and professional growth. After serving as the CEO of Zane Benefits now People Keep for 10 years starting at the age of 22, he’s experienced what it means to truly fail fast and learn fast. In this episode Rick shares his perspective on what it means to learn from failure for you and your business and how to create that environment where this mindset and approach can thrive.
Ep. 65 - Mentorship Success: Creating a Program to Motivate Employees, Deliver Value and Build Meaningful Connections - with Julie Kantor
Julie Kantor, founder and CEO of Twomentor, has made it her mission to help people and the companies they work for create mentorship programs that deliver real value. She shares what it takes to drive that change, create impact and what needs to be done to sustain a prosperous and effective mentorship network.
Ep. 64 - Pivoting to Find One’s Voice, Define a Career and Build a Business - with Joe Saul-Sehy
Making that career transition is scary but if done correctly can enable you to find your unique voice and establish entirely new opportunities which can lead to building a business. So what are the steps to successfully change your career trajectory? Joe Saul-Sehy is the host of the #1 Financial advice podcast, The Stacking Benjamins. In this episode, Joe discusses the career pivots he went through to get him to where is today as well as tips and advice on how to navigate the fear to create a path of opportunity and success for yourself.
Ep. 63 - Season 3 Trailer: Helping You Understand the Business of Work
As the Strategic Momentum Podcast moves into Season 3, we will be honing in on understanding the business of work, so that you, especially those of you who are in the mid- stages of your career, can get the work and career advice you need to power through to get to the top. Here’s a peek at what’s to come in 2020.
Ep. 62 - 2019 Lessons Learned in Breaking Through Business and Career Challenges to Propel You Forward - with Connie Steele and Alexis Anthony
This year, we’ve heard many different perspectives from a range of guests on how to break through the common challenges in business and career development today. In this Episode, Connie is joined by Alexis Anthony, Strategic Momentum’s marketing manager, to talk about their favorite moments on the podcast in 2019, and to share their own tips and advice for breaking through that inertia to reach your full growth potential.
Ep. 61 - Aligning Personal and Corporate Purpose: Redefining Philanthropy Through the Power of Small Actions - with Bryan de Lottinville
Bryan de Lottinville is Founder and CEO of Benevity, a global leader in corporate social responsibility and employee engagement software. In this episode he discusses disrupting industry norms, and leveraging small individual actions to create better social and business outcomes.
Ep. 60 - Startup Success: Engineering A Market to Traverse the Traction Gap - with Bruce Cleveland
The unfortunate reality is that most startups fail. So what’s the difference between those that fail and those that have made it? What’s the secret to success? Bruce Cleveland is a Founding Partner of Wildcat Venture Partners and author of the book Traversing the Traction Gap. What compelled Bruce to write his book was to answer that very question. In this episode, Bruce shares his valuable a framework that outlines the critical principles, milestones and metrics that are foundational to helping startups create the necessary momentum for success.
Ep. 59 - Overcoming Impostor Syndrome and Knowing Your Worth: Insights & Advice from Female Business Leaders
A panel of female executives and entrepreneurs discuss some of the biggest challenges facing women in the workforce today that keep them from reaching their full potential and share tips and advice for breaking through that inertia to change the unbalanced workforce dynamic.
Ep. 58 - Women in Business: Finding Empowerment and Control by Building Your Own Business and Brand Story - with Amanda Thomas
Amanda Thomas is an entrepreneur, marketing leader, and host of a women’s empowerment podcast. She’s the Founder and President of Two Score, a boutique marketing firm that focuses exclusively on helping small to mid-sized credit unions grow and reach their full potential.
In this episode Amanda shares perspectives on directing one’s career path in the direction you want to go as well as sharing the benefits of risk-taking, trusting your gut, and giving yourself permission to do everything you want to be doing.