How Successful Are You?
According to our research, the average U.S. worker is struggling to make progress in their career. Only 45% of workers are satisfied with their career progression, current position, and compensation. And in this new world of work, you might be feeling like you’re not moving in the direction you want as quickly as you hoped.
Take the Work and Career Success Assessment, which was developed based on our research study, to see how you’re advancing in your career relative to the average U.S. worker. In addition to finding out where you stand, you’ll uncover areas for improvement that you can start working on today.
Learn how well you’re performing when it comes to your career progress.
In less than five minutes, you can learn how successful you are in your career by taking this free assessment. Once you complete the assessment I’ll share your personalized results, along with specific advice and tailored resources that can put you on a more successful career path.
When you’re successful at work and in your career, that inevitably leads to you feeling more successful at work and satisfied with your life. Because in today’s world, work AND life are integrated.
Our recent study of more than 1000 American workers found that career success is elusive at best. The national average of those who feel highly successful is only 17%, while almost half of U.S. workers feel moderately or completely unsuccessful.