Uncover the key trends driving your career with the Spotting the Trends Workbook

US$49.99 US$79.99

Why do so many people struggle to find success in the workplace?

When I was growing up, my Dad always told me, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” You can imagine my surprise many years later when my research on what makes workers successful showed that planning was, indeed, the single most important factor in workers’ success.

My ‘Spotting the Trends’ workbook is a career planning tool designed to help professionals develop a career strategy that aligns their passion, purpose, and potential. By identifying important trends in terms of where you want to work AND within you, you’ll build a foundation to determine potential paths toward real opportunities. The workbook consists of three in-depth exercises that any professional can use to hone in on the unique value they bring in this fluid new world of work.

Buy the workbook today to start laying the foundation for the next steps in your career and life.

Sale Price: US$49.99 Original Price: US$79.99

What You’ll Get

Give the 3 exercises in the workbook your undivided attention and you’ll walk away with:

1. A clear picture of where the industry or company you want to pursue is going in the short and long-term and why
2. Insight into job functions and skills needed based on these industry and company needs and seeing where you could align
3. Knowledge of the places, spaces and roles that fit you best based on your own success stories from throughout your career
4. A deeper understanding of your unique skills and the value they bring to an organization
5. Clarity about potential career paths based on industry/company needs and the intersection of your talents and desires

Sale Price: US$49.99 Original Price: US$79.99

About Me

I’m Connie Steele, a Future of Work and Life researcher. For more than a decade, I’ve been studying the shifting workplace trends that have now become permanent changes. Business is no longer binary, hierarchical, or absolute. It’s non-linear, collaborative, and fluid. I help individuals and organizations make sense of this new environment and craft strategies that ensure they can thrive at work and beyond. Interested in finding out how I can help you or your organization? Book a free 30-minute call with me today.