Ep. 35 - The Data-Gut Conflict: Bridging the Gap Between Gut-Driven & Data-Driven Decision Makers - with Steve Brown, Dr. Mary Lamia, Kyle Loudermilk, & Jen McDonald
A group of experts explores how to deal with different decision-making styles in order to alleviate potential conflicts and, ultimately, work better together with your bosses, your clients, and your colleagues.
Ep. 15 - Creating a Culture of Leadership and Engagement Through the Power of Movies (Pt 1)
Scott DiGiammarino is the CEO of MovieComm, a SAAS- based technology company that helps leaders lead through the power of movie clips. Prior to MovieComm, Scott was a senior executive at American Express. During his tenure, he turned around one of the worst performing offices and achieved the top ranked spot in a year, then held that spot for 20 years. He grew the business significantly, and in the process, applied creative solutions such as movie clips to motivate and engage a geographically distributed, expanding, and increasingly younger workforce.