Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 86 - The State of Work and Career Success: Goals, Drivers, Inhibitors and Attitudes with Connie Steele and Scott Vanderbilt

The world of work has fundamentally changed and so has what people wanted out of it. So Strategic Momentum, along with Scott Vanderbilt, a seasoned market research executive with over 20 years of experience across a breadth of industries and audiences, developed a study to learn what work and career success mean today, what it takes to reach one’s potential, and what obstacles people are getting stuck on. This episode is focused on sharing some of the initial findings from the survey that we fielded in the summer of 2020.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep 69 - Remote Work: Tips on Effective Virtual Meeting Facilitation During the Coronavirus Pandemic - with Michael Wilkinson

With COVID-19 necessitating the rapid shift to working remotely, we felt it would be particularly relevant to share insights from a favorite past guest of ours — Michael Wilkinson — because our goal is always to help you navigate through the change we are all facing so you can create the right momentum to move forward.

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