Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 60 - Startup Success: Engineering A Market to Traverse the Traction Gap - with Bruce Cleveland

The unfortunate reality is that most startups fail. So what’s the difference between those that fail and those that have made it? What’s the secret to success? Bruce Cleveland is a Founding Partner of Wildcat Venture Partners and author of the book Traversing the Traction Gap. What compelled Bruce to write his book was to answer that very question. In this episode, Bruce shares his valuable a framework that outlines the critical principles, milestones and metrics that are foundational to helping startups create the necessary momentum for success. 

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 7 - Empathizing with your customers - The role it plays in product strategy

Jim Gregoire is the Chief Product Officer at Openbay, an award-winning online marketplace for auto repair and provider of SaaS-based offerings for the auto care industry.

While Jim spent a good portion of his career in marketing, he made the transition to product development leadership roles. The pull to build the right product experience for customers was a natural extension to what he had been already doing in marketing - identifying and understanding the who, what when, where, and why of his target audiences.

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