Ep. 64 - Pivoting to Find One’s Voice, Define a Career and Build a Business - with Joe Saul-Sehy
Making that career transition is scary but if done correctly can enable you to find your unique voice and establish entirely new opportunities which can lead to building a business. So what are the steps to successfully change your career trajectory? Joe Saul-Sehy is the host of the #1 Financial advice podcast, The Stacking Benjamins. In this episode, Joe discusses the career pivots he went through to get him to where is today as well as tips and advice on how to navigate the fear to create a path of opportunity and success for yourself.
Ep. 48 - Building a Successful Podcast: Prioritizing Authenticity, Consistency & Relationships to Drive Engagement and Value - with Crate Media
The three founding members of Crate Media return to provide their take on the podcasting space -- from what it takes to create a successful podcast to the common challenges and misconceptions that cause many to get stuck.
Ep. 44 - Unexpected Entrepreneurs: How a Passion for Storytelling & Experimentation Built a Successful Podcast Business - with Cody Boyce, Hayden Lee, & Ben Gregson
Hear from the people behind the scenes of the Strategic Momentum Podcast -- the founder and first few employees of Crate Media, the podcast production company formerly known as Podcast Masters. In this episode, Founder Cody Boyce, Hayden Lee and Ben Gregson share their challenges, lessons learned in building a business, and the fuel that keeps them going. Because in the end, it’s a business built on their passions.