Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 53 - Bridging the Gap between Generations to Drive Retention and Workforce Momentum - with Cara Silletto

Cara Silletto, Chief Retention Officer at Crescendo Strategies, Today, Cara shares insights into the mindset differences of Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers and how to apply these important perspectives to effectively manage and retain your workforce -- because a sustainable and productive one can only be achieved when everyone has a common understanding of one another.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 19 - Prioritizing People Development to Propel You and Your Business Forward - with Beth Freedman

Beth Freedman is the Managing Director of gyro:UK, a leading global B2B creative agency, and has spent her career working for some of the biggest agencies in the world, including Saatchi & Saatchi and Fallon.

Beth believes real business momentum happens when service-based businesses invest in the growth and development of their people. It’s the human part of the business that agencies often forget. She attributes her own upward mobility to those who nurtured her talents throughout her career. And  as a result, it is an imperative that she is championing in her leadership role today.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 18 - How to Stand Up, Take Action and Be an Everyday Hero

In this interview, Dr. Philip G. Zimbardorenowned social psychologist, gives us a look into the foundation and purpose of his latest initiative, The Heroic Imagination Project. The project explores everyday heroism and how to train “ordinary” people to be heroes, with the rallying cry: “Stand Up, Speak Out, Take Action Against Injustice.”  

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 16 - Building a Business to Motivate, Engage & Inspire Others Using Hollywood Movie Clips (Pt 2) - with Scott DiGiammarino

In today’s world of shrinking attention spans and decentralized work forces, Scott DiGiammarino, CEO of MovieComm, believes that how you communicate your message makes all the difference in the world.

His desire to impact not just thousands of people but millions and millions of people, is what drove him to ultimately start MovieComm, a technology company that helps leaders harness the power of Hollywood movie clips to communicate, engage, and inspire their organizations more effectively.

Scott shares his journey when transitioning from leading a large organization to launching his solo venture, how he persevered to break through the business inertia, and how he identified the ideal audience, positioning, product experience, and pricing that led MovieComm to where he is today.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 15 - Creating a Culture of Leadership and Engagement Through the Power of Movies (Pt 1)

Scott DiGiammarino is the CEO of MovieComm, a SAAS- based technology company that helps leaders lead through the power of movie clips. Prior to MovieComm, Scott was a senior executive at American Express. During his tenure, he turned around one of the worst performing offices and achieved the top ranked spot in a year, then held that spot for 20 years. He grew the business significantly, and in the process, applied creative solutions such as movie clips to motivate and engage a geographically distributed, expanding, and increasingly younger workforce.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 14 - Employees & Customer Relationships: Key Components to Delivering a Customer-Centric Experience

Lee Sommers is the owner of Purpose Personal Fitness, a leading strength and athletic training company. He’s been involved in the fitness industry for almost 20 years and has worked with athletes of all levels, including Olympic champion Katie Ledecky. He has seen the industry evolve over that time with a primary focus on profit over people, which Lee believes is a mistake, in the long term.

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