Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 49 - Building Relationships Through Direct Response: The Strategy to Drive Customer Demand and Engagement - with Anita John

Driving growth, for any business, requires a solid customer acquisition and retention plan. However, many struggle to determine the right strategies to employ and the most effective way to execute them. Anita John, Founder of ARJ Consulting, has spent years helping brands like Intuit and StubHub break through these very obstacles. In this episode she shares her advice on how to build and execute campaigns that effectively build relationships, retain customers, and realize business objectives.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 44 - Unexpected Entrepreneurs: How a Passion for Storytelling & Experimentation Built a Successful Podcast Business - with Cody Boyce, Hayden Lee, & Ben Gregson

Hear from the people behind the scenes of the Strategic Momentum Podcast -- the founder and first few employees of Crate Media, the podcast production company formerly known as Podcast Masters. In this episode, Founder Cody Boyce, Hayden Lee and Ben Gregson share their challenges, lessons learned in building a business, and the fuel that keeps them going. Because in the end, it’s a business built on their passions.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 31 - A Culture of Experimentation: Fuel for a Mission-Driven Business - with Joseph Ney

Joseph Ney and his partners have built Reingold into a leading marketing and communications firm servicing the private sector. It took continuous experimentation, evolution, and an opportunity mindset to get to where they are today. And of course, they are they are still tweaking. But through it all, they were always mission-focused – not only for their clients but for themselves.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 15 - Creating a Culture of Leadership and Engagement Through the Power of Movies (Pt 1)

Scott DiGiammarino is the CEO of MovieComm, a SAAS- based technology company that helps leaders lead through the power of movie clips. Prior to MovieComm, Scott was a senior executive at American Express. During his tenure, he turned around one of the worst performing offices and achieved the top ranked spot in a year, then held that spot for 20 years. He grew the business significantly, and in the process, applied creative solutions such as movie clips to motivate and engage a geographically distributed, expanding, and increasingly younger workforce.

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