Ep. 66 - Fail Fast, Learn Faster: Creating a Safe Environment to Fail to Propel You and Your Business Forward
Rick Lindquist, founder of LegUp Ventures has always believed that learning from failure is core to personal and professional growth. After serving as the CEO of Zane Benefits now People Keep for 10 years starting at the age of 22, he’s experienced what it means to truly fail fast and learn fast. In this episode Rick shares his perspective on what it means to learn from failure for you and your business and how to create that environment where this mindset and approach can thrive.
Ep. 64 - Pivoting to Find One’s Voice, Define a Career and Build a Business - with Joe Saul-Sehy
Making that career transition is scary but if done correctly can enable you to find your unique voice and establish entirely new opportunities which can lead to building a business. So what are the steps to successfully change your career trajectory? Joe Saul-Sehy is the host of the #1 Financial advice podcast, The Stacking Benjamins. In this episode, Joe discusses the career pivots he went through to get him to where is today as well as tips and advice on how to navigate the fear to create a path of opportunity and success for yourself.