Ep. 60 - Startup Success: Engineering A Market to Traverse the Traction Gap - with Bruce Cleveland
The unfortunate reality is that most startups fail. So what’s the difference between those that fail and those that have made it? What’s the secret to success? Bruce Cleveland is a Founding Partner of Wildcat Venture Partners and author of the book Traversing the Traction Gap. What compelled Bruce to write his book was to answer that very question. In this episode, Bruce shares his valuable a framework that outlines the critical principles, milestones and metrics that are foundational to helping startups create the necessary momentum for success.
Ep. 21 - Rethinking Research: Taking an iterative approach to get the perspective of ever-evolving consumers - with Stephanie Balderrama
Stephanie Balderrama, President of Consumer Insights Group shares her perspective on why it’s now more important than ever to be plugged into your consumers’ needs and behaviors. Because of their ever evolving behavior, companies need to reconsider how they approach the way they gather learnings about them particularly in today’s agile environments.