Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 93 - Selfish vs. Selfless: Building A Village based on Authenticity and Purpose to Move You Toward Your Career Goals — with Bryan Wish

How do you build meaningful connections that are fundamentally authentic, but still help you work toward your career/business goals? In this episode, Bryan Wish, founder and CEO of BW Missions, shares his career journey and his approach to aligning passion and purpose to build an authentic network. And that path started with this feeling that he didn’t fit the common mold, no matter how hard he worked.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 85 - What it Takes to be a Great Entrepreneur During the Pandemic: Always be Sweating, Always be Learning, & Always be Trying with Tim Guleri

Learn how perspiration and inspiration got Tim Guleri a $3.2B exit and 18-year career in venture capital, the traits of elite entrepreneurs and how they have evolved, and what it takes to be a great entrepreneur, break through the noise, and create a sustainable business during a global crisis

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Strategic Momentum Strategic Momentum

Ep. 63 - Season 3 Trailer: Helping You Understand the Business of Work

As the Strategic Momentum Podcast moves into Season 3, we will be honing in on understanding the business of work, so that you, especially those of you who are in the mid- stages of your career, can get the work and career advice you need to power through to get to the top. Here’s a peek at what’s to come in 2020.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 62 - 2019 Lessons Learned in Breaking Through Business and Career Challenges to Propel You Forward - with Connie Steele and Alexis Anthony

This year, we’ve heard many different perspectives from a range of guests on how to break through the common challenges in business and career development today. In this Episode, Connie is joined by Alexis Anthony, Strategic Momentum’s marketing manager, to talk about their favorite moments on the podcast in 2019, and to share their own tips and advice for breaking through that inertia to reach your full growth potential.

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