Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 73 - How to be a Kick-Ass Boss: Being Radically Candid to Propel You and Your Team Forward with Kim Scott

Kim Scott, co-founder of Candor, Inc. and author of the NYT & WSJ bestseller Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss without Losing your Humanity has made it her company’s mission to rid the world of bad bosses by helping organizations create BS-free zones at workplaces around the world. In this episode, Kim dives into the challenges that many bosses face when it comes to guiding their teams effectively and the concepts, applications and benefits behind the Radical Candor framework that’s intended to help them.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 72 - Understanding and Overcoming Social Anxiety to Propel Your Career Forward - with Mark Metry

Mark Metry, 22-year-old entrepreneur and author of Screw Being Shy: Learn How to Manage Social Anxiety and Be Yourself in Front of Anyone, shares his personal journey, the science behind social anxiety, advice for breaking through to meet your potential, and how to better understand those who may suffer from this social disorder.

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Podcast Strategic Momentum Podcast Strategic Momentum

Ep. 71 - Office Politics (Part 2): Learning to Manage and Master Political Maneuvering

How do you manage power dynamics in an organization? In Part One, a panel of business leaders joined us to unpack how one’s deep-seated emotions can lead to positive and negative office politics. In this episode, we look at various solutions and courses of action you can take to mitigate, manage, and navigate the politics more effectively.

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Strategic Momentum Strategic Momentum

Ep. 63 - Season 3 Trailer: Helping You Understand the Business of Work

As the Strategic Momentum Podcast moves into Season 3, we will be honing in on understanding the business of work, so that you, especially those of you who are in the mid- stages of your career, can get the work and career advice you need to power through to get to the top. Here’s a peek at what’s to come in 2020.

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