Connie Steele I Future of Work Expert

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Biz of You Spotlight: Preparing For Change — Building the Business of You

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Biz of You Spotlight: Preparing For Change — Building the Business of You with Connie Steele Strategic Momentum Podcast

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In this episode, Connie covers the third part of the five-part fluid career system, called Preparing for Change. It’s all about accepting change, managing fear then turning it into excitement, and pushing past the inertia we face. She explains how it fits into the overall system and why it’s so critical to career success.


Connie Steele: Preparing for change is the third component in our fluid career system. And it's all about helping you push past the fear and inertia that we all face. And in this particular component, we are going to focus on facing and managing that fear, turning it into excitement, help you develop your self confidence and positivity towards what you will be doing so that you will have this energy of empowerment.

Let's face it, I think in anything that we want to pursue, that may be outside of what we're familiar with, we all go through fear. There's always something where, whenever we want to do something that's new, whether it's personally or professionally, there's a lot of excitement, but inevitably there can be a lot of fear that comes along with it because it's different and that's normal.

And that fear that you may be feeling, sort of that feeling in the pit of your stomach is this fear of failure. Again, that is one of the most common, if not the primary barrier that a lot of us have when we're looking to move in a different direction, learn a new skill, venture out in something different.

So the reason why we focus on this in this system, it's because no matter what you do you will face fear at some point. So our goal is to help you understand, where does that come from? What are those root causes? Why, why do you have them? And could you be what we're calling to tech and could you be potentially catastrophizing the situation?

You're assuming that it could be more than it really is. So by helping you prepare for that change, which involves really first understanding where that fear, nervousness, anxiety, and stress, where that comes from you'll then be able to realize if it's going to be a true outcome or maybe something that you're projecting so that you can understand how to take ultimately those small actions, which then will lead to creating confidence in your ability to work towards your goal.

Because what you're doing is in creating progress and moving forward. And once you do that, that leads to the achievement. 

So why is preparing for change so important? You always have fear of failure, whether you have anxiety or shame, what have you, everyone goes through this fear of failure. So the better that you can get at understanding where that comes from and finding a way to not only identify it, but being able to operationalize how to solve it, the easier it's going to be for you to tackle any new challenge. Again, whether that's personal or professional. So, so much of this is going back and understanding the root cause of your fear and realizing if you're catastrophizing or not.

And when you do this.. What you're doing is also building an important skill, which we're going to cover in the fifth component around building your skills, is this important, soft skill of self-awareness. The more self-aware you can be of what's driving your emotions and driving your actions, the better equipped you're going to be ultimately in being able to manage this business of you.


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